If you have a wish to learn how to meditate or to find out about Buddhism, here is where to go:
The General Program (GP) Classes at the Tushita Kadampa Buddhist Center and its branches, as well as our Lunchtime Meditations are the perfect place to learn. The classes are designed both as a series and as stand-alone classes, so you can attend any class even if the series has already started. Find out more about these classes here.
No. All you need is the wish to improve yourself and the quality of your life.
No. Anyone can learn basic meditation and experience the benefits. Buddhism is a non-evangelical religion.
Buddhists respect all people and are happy to help anyone regardless of whether they subscribe to another faith or to none.
No special clothing is required. Come as you are.
If you wish to take notes, please bring a pen and notepad.
Everyone can participate in the classes regardless of ability to pay. Please contact admin@meditateinwestlake.org to make arrangements.
No, please feel free to drop in whenever you like. Attending the entire series of classes is highly beneficial, as each class builds on the next. However, each class is taught in such a way that if you only attend one class, you will derive benefit from it.
Although Buddhism first appeared in India over two and a half thousand years ago, it has a timeless and universal relevance. In a nutshell, Buddha explained that all our problems arise from confused and negative states of mind. He taught methods for ridding the mind of these destructive states and thereby realizing true happiness and fulfillment. These methods work for any mind, in any country, at any age.
Buddhists regard all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas as perfect guides and role models, and as such, naturally develop faith in them and rely upon them as Spiritual Guides. For this reason, Buddhists strive, through meditation, prayer, and various ritual practices, to connect with enlightened beings and receive their transforming blessings.
The New Kadampa Tradition is global Buddhism. Just as the Tibetans faithfully adopted the practices taught to them by the great Indian masters and adapted those to their own culture, so Geshe Kelsang, the founder of the New Kadampa Tradition, encourages people from all ethnic backgrounds to adopt the wisdom and compassion of Buddha and put it into practice in a way that suits their particular culture.